About me

Hello. First time for you being here? First time. Relax, this is not an interrogation! I didn't mean to be unpolite. I am a blog. I know you know I am a blog. I am nothing special. I am coloured and decorated, but I do nothing more than reflecting thoughts and stories about life. You think it's enough to be boring and being ignored? I do. :) Please keep on ignoring me as long as you want. But if you ever find yourself catching a thought...a thought you know it must be remarkable, a thought about something you're finally aware of... then you know where you can find me. Please, share it with me that day! :)

giovedì 4 marzo 2010

Numero 15 - Pull

I suppose keeping a blog is making an effort in patience and constancy.
But exams are finally OVER and I'll have more free time to post here!
These are the photos of last Saturday! I love pull, even though I am really bad with it. I learnt how to play when I was in Scotland, in an old, scubby pub.
I wonder why photography has become so popular in the last 2, 3 years. Maybe I was too young to notice it before, haha.
I actually think that one reason is the growing popularity of blogs, and the necessity to communicate everyday feelings with few, simple words. A photo can be vibrant of feelings, and it doesn't need any effort to watch it.
The bad thing of being a photographer is that you never appear in pictures. And despite all the rumours about photographers hating being photographed, I actually like looking myself through a picture!
Taking photoes at myself just like every blogger on earth does, is out of question. I feel so stupid and self-centerd and not natural...

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