About me

Hello. First time for you being here? First time. Relax, this is not an interrogation! I didn't mean to be unpolite. I am a blog. I know you know I am a blog. I am nothing special. I am coloured and decorated, but I do nothing more than reflecting thoughts and stories about life. You think it's enough to be boring and being ignored? I do. :) Please keep on ignoring me as long as you want. But if you ever find yourself catching a thought...a thought you know it must be remarkable, a thought about something you're finally aware of... then you know where you can find me. Please, share it with me that day! :)

mercoledì 10 marzo 2010

Numero 20 - Hoplessness

Italy's main problem is corruption.
Italy is the second most corrupted country in Europe, the first is Greece.
Reading the papers everyday, hearing lies everyday from the media, the governament... makes eveyone as if we're freezing in a long, endless tunnell...

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