About me

Hello. First time for you being here? First time. Relax, this is not an interrogation! I didn't mean to be unpolite. I am a blog. I know you know I am a blog. I am nothing special. I am coloured and decorated, but I do nothing more than reflecting thoughts and stories about life. You think it's enough to be boring and being ignored? I do. :) Please keep on ignoring me as long as you want. But if you ever find yourself catching a thought...a thought you know it must be remarkable, a thought about something you're finally aware of... then you know where you can find me. Please, share it with me that day! :)

lunedì 8 marzo 2010

Numero 18 - Scazzed

This is one of my World Sucks moments, so please run away if you don't feel in the mood of sharing it with me!
I feel bad again...because nothing works here, because every effort honest people make in Italy will be wasted by a not honest culture, by decieveness (will that be a word? Oh, can't be bothered to check it on the online dictionary!), by the bad example of our Prime Minister and the Governament which totally murder any dream of equality and evolution.
I was talking with my mum about generations...
My generation can't wait leaving forever this country. And the thing is, we don't even hate our culture, our roots, our habits (our food!)... it's just that we can't trust any of the Heads, any of the leaders, because they'll be corrupted for sure. What's the point in staying here?
And what's the point in studyig law, if powerful people just don't respect it or create it as it suits them in the easiest way to solve their own problem?
Today, just before writing here, I was thinking: "I am studying law because I'll make people respect it".
Hahahahahaha dreams...
in Italy dreams never become true...
Unless you are the Prime Minister's lover, or you join a reality show, or you are looking forward to giving yourself to an old, yellow almost-dead man.
But my morality wouldn't allow me doing that. :\

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