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Hello. First time for you being here? First time. Relax, this is not an interrogation! I didn't mean to be unpolite. I am a blog. I know you know I am a blog. I am nothing special. I am coloured and decorated, but I do nothing more than reflecting thoughts and stories about life. You think it's enough to be boring and being ignored? I do. :) Please keep on ignoring me as long as you want. But if you ever find yourself catching a thought...a thought you know it must be remarkable, a thought about something you're finally aware of... then you know where you can find me. Please, share it with me that day! :)

mercoledì 16 settembre 2009

Numero 2

I don't think it would ever happen abroad, in a country that is considered by the constitution and the public opinion a "Democratic Republic".
Not in a civil country, not with educated people.
But it did, it happened.
Censorship. I think that's the right word to use, when your prime minister doesn't want newspapers, tv channels, any media to talk about his own mistakes.
The Tv program "Ballarò", which has never namely liked Mr. Berlusconi, was deleted to cede its place to "Porta a Porta" (litterally: "Door to Door") whose our beloved prime minister was the principal guest. He first started to talk about Abbruzzo, the italian region where a terrible earthquake destroyed the city of Pescara just this summer. He said it was completely reconstructed thanks to the brand new system he personally invented: an exchange of turns among the builders so that they could work even during the night! He's always had the sad habit to make shine every single idea he plans, even though they are the scabbiest and the most common ever. I mean, any IDIOT would have established that in case of emergency builders and volunteers should have worked also during the night with an exchange of turns. But Mr. Berlusconi-I-am-your-God has got a special faculty to make himself the genious of the year.
The worst is ready to come. Soon the Abbruzzo topic revealed itself for what it really was: a promotion for himself and his party.
And he deleted for one night the enemy Tv program to be sure that in the whole country nobody would have heard a word against him! It sucks, it violates the natural rights of a Democracy.

I don't want my future to grow up here.

Someone help us, please!

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