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lunedì 5 ottobre 2009

Numero 7

Name: Marco Travaglio
Profession: Journalist
Age: ?
This man is legend!
He's one of the best journalists ever in Italy, and it's really rare for those who work in the politics field to emerge when they are so young.
The demonstration against censorship the 3rd October was amazing... if you've ever been in Rome you'll know for sure Piazza del Popolo: it's a huge square very close to the Spanish Steps. Well, that square was so full of people that I couldn't even walk toward the middle as I was totally squeezed in the border.
Students were screaming with megaphones in their hands, big provocative banners were constantly waved by untiring guys.
On the white stage arranged for the occasion, famous italian singers, actors and journalists were announcing their dissense about Berlusconi's politics.
A few time ago the newspaper "La Repubblica" asked to our prime minister 10 questions. Here I'll report the most interesing ones:
- When and where were you introduced to Noemi Letizia (a young girl that apparently calls him "daddy", and who is suspected to be one of his "lovers") and do you frequent more under age girls?
- What's the reason for which you lied for two months giving to the media 4 different explenations about how did you know Noemi?
- Don't you think it's weighty that you rewarded with candidacies the escort girls that called you "daddy"?
- You were with a prostitute the night of the 4th November, and many girls have come to your house. Did you know they were prostitutes?
- Your behaviour contraddicts your politics: could you still partecipate to the Family Day or sign a law that punish a prostitute's cusotmer?
Berlusconi never answered to these questions, but brought action against them and the whole newspaper.

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